Journal of hypertension

Lijek za hipertenziju povezan s manjim rizikom od gihta

Hypertension; Dialysis; Dry weight Sažetak Background: The control of blood pressure has been one of the main problems of dry weight management on the basis that fluid accumulation predisposes to hypertension in the end adaptol hipertenzija renal disease patients. Non-invasive bioimpedance spectroscopy with a body composition model has been validated against other methods to assess fluid status.

Aim: To evaluate the deviation in hydration status from normal ranges ΔHS as the cause of hypertension journal of hypertension of hypertension the patients on the maintenance hemodialysis HD and to identify the different patient groups that result from measurements of pre-dialysis systolic blood pressure BPsys and ΔHS alone.

Patients with a pacemaker or implanted defibrillator, amputation of a major extremity, pregnancy journal of hypertension lactation period were excluded. BPsys is measured using the Riva-Rocci-Korotkoff method mercury sphygmomanometer after 5 minutes of rest.

Controversies in Cardiology: Blood Pressure Targets in Hypertension

Both measurements were done with the patient in the supine position. The average of the two last measurements by sphygmomanometer was used in the analysis.

Gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system and early development of hypertension

The data were used to generate a graphical tool HRP-hydration journal of hypertension plot which allows rapid differentiation between hypotensive and hypertensive patients as well as distinguishing fluid overload from the state of normohydration. Conclusion: The multifrequency journal of hypertension spectroscopy method allows detecting of fluid overload in a safe and easy manner. According to this, more objective choice of strategies for the optimal treatment of hypertension and fluid overload in the maintenance HD patients can be selected.

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